So I’ve been reflecting on yesterday’s post, the 10 things only an allergy kid would understand, and I’ve been thinking a lot about my number one spot, “there is so much more to you than your allergy.” When people meet me, one of the first things they learn about me is my allergy. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I suppose it’s good that people know this about me, because it keeps me safe. However, a lot of people think of me as “the allergy kid” instead of just a kid with allergies. My allergies are a part of me, yes. However, they don’t identify me.
Let me tell you a bit more about myself so that you too can think of me as more than just an “allergy kid.” My name is Gary, and I am 15 years old as of July 31. I have the same birthday as Harry Potter, and a lot of people say I look like him too. I am about to start my sophomore year in high school. I love to read, play video games, and perfect my chess skills (or lack thereof). I play tennis, like to swim, and am a blue belt in Tae Kwon Do. I will test for my red belt in December. Disney is probably my favorite place on the planet. I love math. Love it. Everything about math makes sense. My dad and I consider it “the language of the universe.” I love food. Especially dessert. I love puzzles and mysteries. My favorite food is steak. My favorite book is Treasure Island, but I also love Mad Magazine. When I grow up I want to be a doctor so I can help people.
I have a little sister who I absolutely adore. I have two wonderful parents. My mom is the sweetest person ever, and my dad is probably the funniest person I ever met. I wouldn’t trade my family for the world, because they mean everything to me.
I am more than just an allergy kid. I am a kid who just so happens to have an allergy. Remember, readers. You are SO MUCH MORE than the first thing people notice about you.
Until next time!
Loved this one! Yes, Gary, you are so much more than “a kid with an allergy”. I think people see that you are smart, you have a great sense of humor, you are kind, you are respectful & thoughtful. AND now with this blog you are helping so many other kids & their families. GO GARY!
This comment just made my day! Thank you so much!
I have 4 children and one has food allergies. I know he will always be first thought of as the one with allergies, but he is do much more. Your an amazing 15 year old and I just love that you appreciate your family so much. I’m happy to have found your blog.
Thank you so much Crystal!