School is tomorrow! I sort of have a combination of emotions right now. Excited, nervous, anxious, more nervous. I’m literally just a bundle of emotions and school supplies right now. Luckily, I seem to be decently prepared. Safety Sack filled with epi-pens and Benadryl for the office? Check. Kozygo and Spibelt ready to bring to school? Check. Giant stack of allergy paperwork? Check. Weekend trips to Costco, Sam’s Club, and Target for safe lunch and snack supplies. Check.
It also makes me think of my blog. As many of you may know, this blog started as a school project, and as part of the project I created a survey to measure knowledge of food allergies and empathy towards people with food allergies. It is a quick nine question survey that should take less than five minutes to complete. Most of the questions are multiple choice.
It will be interesting to see the results, because I already conducted the same survey a couple months ago in my school, before I created this blog. It will be interesting to compare the answers of a population mostly free of food allergies with a population living with food allergies. In fact, next week, I will post the results of both surveys.
If you, my readers, could complete this survey for me, I would be incredibly grateful.
The link to the survey is posted below.
Thank you so much for helping me out with this!
Until next time!