Ten things only a kid with food allergies would understand……

10. You have a scripted speech ready for every time you go to a restaurant detailing your allergy.

9. When you buy food at the store, you check the label before you check the price.

8.  You treat your epi-pen like your child.

7.  Your favorite part of Disney is not the rides, but the fact that you can eat whatever you want.

6.  You know how to spell anaphylactic.

5.  You have a deep appreciation for any dessert that you can actually have.

4.  You know without a doubt that the  most exciting phrase in the English language is, “The bread is safe.”

3.  Adults ask YOU about the latest food recalls.

2.  You know that it is important to include everyone in activities.


1. There is so much more to you than your allergy!

Until next time!


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