School is coming up really fast. I start school in less than two weeks, so back-to-school shopping is a must. Besides the pencils and notebooks and stuff like that, people with allergies like mine also have to bring in some other stuff to keep them safe. For my next few posts, I’ll be showing the products I bring to school to keep me safe (Note that I am not being sponsored by any of these companies. I mean really? I’m only 15. Sheesh).
The most important thing an allergy person has to have with them is their medication, and while I usually have mine on me, it’s always good to have a back-up. So, I give extra medication to the office. However, to make sure the medicine is both easy to access and self contained, I put it in a product called a Safety Sack. It helps the office keep track of my medicine and has room for two Epi-pens, Benadryl, and my emergency action plan. It also has a childproof lock, so that when I was a little kid, I wouldn’t accidentally take the medicine or administer the epi-pen on something.
This is the link to their website
If you have little kids and need someone to hold their medication, or just like to use it to help the office keep track of your medicine, this is a great product. My mom also uses them when we travel to keep everything together and easy to view in the airport.
I’ll continue to talk more about my allergy friendly tools in the coming days, so keep an eye out!
This is a picture of the Safety Sack, taken from the Safety Sack website.
Until next time!