My mom is beginning to schedule a Disney trip for next year, and I’m pumped! I love that place, and it got me to thinking about what my favorite things about Disney are. I love the rides, the characters, and the food most of all. As a kid with an allergy though, I know that whenever there is food, you have to worry about your allergy. However, I feel so much more comfortable in Disney.
Whenever I am at a Disney restaurant, the chefs always come out to talk with me about my allergy and what foods I can have. They always prepare special allergy safe meals for me, which is great. Disney is awesome with allergies, and while I haven’t been there in a few years, I have been reading up and it just seems like they are getting better and better! Now, many of the restaurants there even have allergy safe menus for people with all different kinds of allergies.
This is great for me, because the food is so good! Even though I have an allergy, my love for food rivals my love for almost anything else. At Disney, I feel like I can really pig out and eat pretty much anything I want there (with a few exceptions of course), and you know how I said in an earlier blog post that I never get desserts in restaurants because they are almost never safe? Almost all the restaurants in Disney are notable exceptions to this! It feels really good to just have a place where you can feel a little bit more confident about your safety, and to me, Disney is that place.
To top it all off, I was looking up stuff about Disney a couple of days ago because I am so excited for my trip, and I came across a line of food products that Disney just began making about 10 months ago, called “snacks with character.” It is a group of food products sold in Disney stores that are safe for a laundry list of different allergies. I found a picture of one of their products.

These are just a few of their products. They are safe for a whole bunch of allergies, including nuts, soy, and gluten. Some of their products are even okay for vegans. On top of that, they look absolutely delicious!
With a bunch of allergy safe foods and accommodations, Disney really is the most magical place on Earth!
Until next time!
Hello, I am a mother to 2 little boys both 6 yrs and 2 yrs old who have anaphylaxis reactions to both peanuts and tree nuts. I have enjoyed reading your blog posts. We are our sons protectors, may I ask you at what age did you give yourself your first epi-pen? That is of course if you have? What can I do besides reading labels and communicating with other caretakers as to protect my boys from a possible exposure? I appreciate your views and any insight you may have for myself and husband.