Cookie-ing up something good–Skeeter Nut Free Cookies

Hello everyone!

Well, I’m right in the middle of mid-Winter break and so far it’s been a glorious video game and snack-a-thon, so because of that, I have another snack review! Gosh I love eating things!

However, Enjoy Life isn’t the only company that makes safe (and delicious) cookies.

One of my newfound favorites are Skeeter Nut Free cookies, and it isn’t just because of the adorable squirrel mascot (even though that is a big part of it).

Skeeter Nut Free is a company dedicated to making nut free products. Their slogan is “No Nuts. Not ever.” They sell three different flavors of cookies: double chocolate, chocolate chip, and shortbread, as well as chocolate and vanilla grahams.

After trying the cookies, I gotta say, they’re legit. They’re GOOD. I could eat the whole box of them and be very very pleased with myself.

In fact, after just a couple days, I’ve pretty much eaten the entire box of them, along with the MadeGood granola bars I talked about in an earlier post. Gosh, now that I think about it, I’ve just been eating piece of candy after piece of candy lately. I love it!

My favorite flavor is probably double chocolate, which is chocolate chips inside of a chocolate flavored cookie. It’s like mixing Harry Potter with Star Wars! It is a combination that has no other option but to be awesome, and that isn’t just the chocoholic in me saying that!

If you want to buy some cookies, or learn more about the Skeeter Nut Free company, just follow this link.


PS. This is not a sponsored post.  We are always looking for safe snacks and ordered a case for our family from Amazon.

Until next time!


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